Individual Parts in a building

Ridge Vent
This angled piece is the foundation for a ridge vent. One per bow. You will need purlin pipe to tie the tops together. This can be added to our tunnels and other brands.
This angled piece is the foundation for a ridge vent. One per bow. You will need purlin pipe to tie the tops together. This can be added to our tunnels and other brands.

All the bolts, connectors, and metal to turn your normal bow into a W-Truss. May be done on every bow or every other. Count the number of total bows and subtract 2 to get the quantity needed or the inside exposed bows. You may choose to do every other one.
All the bolts, connectors, and metal to turn your normal bow into a W-Truss. May be done on every bow or every other. Count the number of total bows and subtract 2 to get the quantity needed or the inside exposed bows. You may choose to do every other one.