TOMATOES Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.
A little over 100 years ago tomatoes or Love Apples as they were called then, were grown for ornamental purpose and not for
food. They were looked upon with suspicion as the cause of various diseases & were thought to be poisonous. First used as
food in Italy, then France and England. Modern types appear to have come on the market in this country during the 19th
century. The 1st record of this fruit quoted on the market was in New Orleans,1812. Seed growers 1st offered tomatoes in 1818
PLANTING: Start seeds indoors, 5-7 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Use Jiffy 7’s or flats with inserts with a good soil
substitute, like Berger BM-2. Do not use field or garden soil as it may harbor a disease. Place seeds 1/16″ deep. Cover lightly.
Keep moist, not wet. Germinate at 80F until emerge. Do not start tomato seeds in a cold frame if soil temperatures gets
below 70°F at anytime after your seed has been sown. After emerge reduce temperatures to 60-65°F until transplanted
outdoors after all danger of frost is past and soil has warmed up. Place plants 18-24″ apart in a row spacing of 4-6′
apart. If plants are planted into plastic mulch, make sure you have water supply source like a drip line under the plastic mulch.
Plants can be caged or staked for support. If using the stake method, you can use the weave method. Place a stake in between
2nd or 3rd plant. Now start at the beginning of the row at first stake, tie your string to 1st stake. Take string around the outside of
plants on one side to next stake. Wrap string around stake 2 or 3 times. Now continue down the row with string on the same
side of row until you reach the end. Wrap string around last stake 3 or 4 times and now go back up the other side and do the
same. When you are done, your tomato plants should have a string on either side of them to give them support. Repeat this
process as plant grows. Strings should be 6″ apart. Tomato tying twine is found in the supply section of this catalog. To make
stringing easier, do the following: take a 3/4″ PVC pipe about 3′ long. From top down and bottom up, 4″ drill a 1/4″ hole. Run
your string in top of pipe and out top hole and into bottom hole out the bottom of pipe. Now you have a handy tool and a time
saver. Follow above tying instructions. This tool works as a handle. When you get to a stake, put hand or fingers over string on
outside of pipe. This works as a brake to tighten up your string. HARVEST: Pick gently when fruit is fully developed and of a
good color. Use fresh or can for later use.

After each tomato variety, you will find a letter or a row of letters. See below for examples and what they mean. MOUNTAIN FRESH F1 D VFF GOLDEN JUBILEE OP I A
1 2 3
1) F1 Hybrid. Better disease tolerance than open pollinated types. Seeds will not be true if saved from these fruits.
OP Open pollinated. Also called Heirlooms. Seeds can be saved.
PVP Plant Variety Protected. Do not save seed from this variety to be sold as seed. Any part of plant can be sold, including
fruits or pods except seeds to be planted. It is an open pollinated variety that is protected by law from seed selling.
D Determinate. Plant habit where vine ceases to grow once it reaches a particular size. Sets fruit at one time and

2) then tapers off. A good choice for short stakes.
I Indeterminate. Plant continues to grow and has fruit set in all stages, from blossom to mature. Most varieties are
bred for a home garden and have soft fruits.

Plants are resistant or can tolerate the following disease:
3) A = Alternaria F= Fusarium wilt race # 1 FF= Fusarium wilt races 1 & 2
L= Septoria leaf spot N= Nematodes FFF= Fusarium wilt races 1, 2 & 3
ST= Stemphylium T= Tobacco Mosaic virus V= Verticillium wilt
TS= Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus SS= Gray leaf spot XCV= Bacterial spot
You will need 12 to 16 plants per 25 foot row or 3,400 to 4,500 plants per acre.

Black Cherry
Black Cherry I

65 days. If you love cherry tomatoes,this is the one to plant for that unusual color, red-black.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

65 days. If you love cherry tomatoes,this is the one to plant for that unusual color, red-black.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.40$862.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Green Grape D

80 days. Grape tomato of a different color,yellowish green.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

80 days. Grape tomato of a different color,yellowish green.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.40$862.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Gum Drop Black F1

70 days. This unique black striped 1″ cherry tomato has a great taste and
is grown on clusters.
Untreated seeds.

Click here to see a crop summary

70 days. This unique black striped 1″ cherry tomato has a great taste and
is grown on clusters.
Untreated seeds.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $1.70$107.80 Select optionsChoose Item
Honeybee F1

Honeybee F1 I6 0 days.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

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Honeybee F1 I6 0 days.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $1.80$117.60 Select optionsChoose Item
Large Red Cherry
Large Red Cherry OP I

78 days. Sweet, juicy, bite size red cherry tomatoes.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

78 days. Sweet, juicy, bite size red cherry tomatoes.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $1.60$741.85 Select optionsChoose Item

68 days .  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $1.70$107.80 Select optionsChoose Item
Mountain Magic F1

74 days. This unique tomato can be used as a large cherry or a small
sandwich tomato. It has a very sweet flavor and resist cracking. Also is
immune to early & late blight. Treated seed  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

74 days. This unique tomato can be used as a large cherry or a small
sandwich tomato. It has a very sweet flavor and resist cracking. Also is
immune to early & late blight. Treated seed  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $5.30$554.20 Select optionsChoose Item
not rated $3.00$269.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Rainbow Cherry Tomato Blend

Just as the name says, a rainbow of colors of cherry tomatoes.
Untreated seeds.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

Just as the name says, a rainbow of colors of cherry tomatoes.
Untreated seeds.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.40$862.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Riesenstraube I

70 days. The German name means “giant bunch of grapes”.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

70 days. The German name means “giant bunch of grapes”.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.40$862.25 Select optionsChoose Item
Stupice I

52 days. A native of Czechoslovakia, where its extreme earliness, tolerance to cold, superior flavor, and great yields have earned its mark in the garden.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

52 days. A native of Czechoslovakia, where its extreme earliness, tolerance to cold, superior flavor, and great yields have earned its mark in the garden.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $2.70$432.25 Select optionsChoose Item
Sugar Plum F1 I

75 days.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

75 days.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $1.60$95.60 Select optionsChoose Item
Sun Sugar F1 I

62 days This great yellow cherry is resistant to cracking even though it has thinner skin. Tall plants grow loads of 1/2 oz golden fruit filled with that undeniable cherry tomato flavor.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

62 days This great yellow cherry is resistant to cracking even though it has thinner skin. Tall plants grow loads of 1/2 oz golden fruit filled with that undeniable cherry tomato flavor.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.70$479.00 Select optionsChoose Item
Super Sweet 100
Super Sweet 100

SUPER SWEET 100 F1 IVF 65 DAYS.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

SUPER SWEET 100 F1 IVF 65 DAYS.  Pkt contains 25 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $2.80$248.70 Select optionsChoose Item
Sweet Hearts


Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $12.10$1,395.10 Select optionsChoose Item
Tigerella I

76 days. Striped


Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

76 days. Striped


Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $2.70$432.25 Select optionsChoose Item
Tomato Fertilizer Pack

TOMATO FERTILIZER PACK Grow great tasting & good looking tomatoes.

TOMATO FERTILIZER PACK Grow great tasting & good looking tomatoes.

not rated $10.00$47.50 Select optionsChoose Item
Tommy Toe
Tommy Toe I

70 days. A heirloom from the Ozark mountains.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

70 days. A heirloom from the Ozark mountains.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $4.40$862.15 Select optionsChoose Item
Yellow Pear-
Yellow Pear- OP I

78 days. If you love unusual tomatoes, here itis, a small yellow tomato in the shape of a small pear.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

78 days. If you love unusual tomatoes, here itis, a small yellow tomato in the shape of a small pear.

Packet Size = 100 seeds or 1/70 ounce.

Approximately 10,000 seeds per oz.

Click here to see a crop summary

not rated $2.00$741.85 Select optionsChoose Item