1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
$3.30 – $237.50
1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
STRIKE 55 days. The most popular bean seed we sell. Good looks, smooth medium green and straight 5-6″, attractive pods. The perfect green bean for produce auction, roadside stand or home garden. Great flavor fresh, canned or frozen. Great yields.
Options | 1 lb, 1/2 lb, 1/4 lb, 25 lbs, 5 lbs, 50 lbs |
1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.
1500 per lb
1/4 lb about 375 seeds
I do not have an image for this product. If you buy and raise this product this year and send me an image of it, I will give you a free pack for next year. Send to” errolahlers@morgancountyseeds.com. Please include your name, address, and product name.
Sybaris features fancy, dark green, 5 1/2ā³ pods with very good flavor. The strong plants hold the beans up high, making Sybaris a good choice for hand-pick, although it can also be machine harvested.
Sybaris features fancy, dark green, 5 1/2ā³ pods with very good flavor. The strong plants hold the beans up high, making Sybaris a good choice for hand-pick, although it can also be machine harvested.
Kyron – :
i’ve grown a lot of different snap beans and the Strike have earned their place in my fields.
Sheryl – :
I have a home garden and plant a large plot of green beans every year for freezing and to share with froends. We found these seeds several years ago at an Amish market in Kansas. They are the best we’ve ever grown. Glad to have found a place to purchase them, as we live in the Pacific Northwest.
Tim Doak – :
Excellent Bush bean, it produces a very large crop of beans. They are very good quality, hold up well, have repeat blooming and flavor is great before and after canning.